Thursday, July 28, 2005

Shopping and so on

I went to Exeter shopping with Chris last week and discovered two things. 1) if you arrive at monsoon before 9:30 you can actually get to the sale rails 2) Taking him along means I choose things much faster and *Buy MORE*!!! I usually spend so long dithering between 3 different skirts and loosing Lizzie in the crowd that I end up too tired to actually buy things.

Now I have these two pieces of information I foresee several future shopping expeditions with him helping me to shop (of course he may change his mind when he realizes exactly how much I spent in total)...But then things are always cheaper if you buy them in the sales.

One of the things I bought that wasn't clothes were 4 balls of Rowan kidsilk Haze in a deep raspberry colour...This is Turing into a narrow stole with 3 repeats of wings of the swan and a deep diamond edging.

Over the last week or so I developed a hair accessory crochet addiction with the spare yarn from Lizzies multicoloured shawl and T-Shirt (must put a photo of that in here and will do if I manage to get round to it later)

So far I've crocheted two bun covers and a rather limp looking snood - might try re-doing the snood with some 4 ply cotton I bought yesterday and adding a few beads o something..Looked very drab.

I have finally decided on the remaining courses for my degree - I will be doing SK277 - human biology in November - which is a rewrite of a course I already took, but I did SK220 6 years ago, I've forgotten most of it and I do not want to jump straight from level 1 to level 3. Once I've started on that I will decide whether to do another level 2 (SD226 - biological Psychology) or S320 - infection disease. I am also going to do SK195 - understanding human nutrition, in September as I *hate* not studying and not working my brain is turning to mush at present. I am Also planning on doing SD329 - signals and perception, and S377 - which is cellular biochemistry. There also will either be two summer schools at level 3 or a project module.

I got the result for S103 - I missed out on the special course chair letter by 3 marks - An overall average of 84.5%, which isn't at all bad as I had a few brain fog spells in the middle.

I set off to summer school Tomorrow - nervous and excited