Sunday, November 20, 2005

overdue addition

Things have been crazy since we took over the shop and I have hardly had time to keep up my blog up to date. We have gradually been improving our takings though I do wish people would shop local and not all go to Exeter when they can get things in MY TOWN sighs....

It was noticeable on Saturday that having spent the morning in Sidmouth (Lizzies 11+ exam and time killing) - which is too far from Exeter for most people to go on a quick spree, that Sidmouth was incredibly much busier than MY TOWN....And while we had a reasonable Saturday it was still down on the week before....Though the cold could have had something to do with that.

I've decided to beef my Blog up a little by posting some of my short stories and daft poems here's the first dedicated to the regular battle against the bugs that is well known by all mums of primary school aged children


The chase is on, with comb in hand.
They search the head for grains like sand.
The smell of tea-tree fills the air
and screams, from rough combed, tangled hair

“Gotcha beastie!”, yells the mum
and ‘tween her fingernails the crumb
Is dragged along the hair so thick
It’s doused in oil to make it slick

At last ‘tis done, the beasts all dead
The battle won for mop-top’s head
But gird yourself the war’s not ended
Head-lice return to scalps untended