Tuesday, August 22, 2006

short short stories

Well since I had a complaint that my blog was looking a little sparce, here're a couple of short stories.

The Sullen Shadow

The shadow crept slowly along the alley – hugging the deeper pools of darkness.
Harriet looked back. Each time she turned her head she was sure she saw something. Her heat beat faster, she began to run. Now she was panicking. Her run became even more frantic till she was blind to where her feet were.
She caught her foot on a discarded box and tripped, sprawling in the filth and puddles.
For a moment she struggled to rise, then fell back when the pain in her ankle and knee overpowered her.
She looked back into the darkness to see a form lurching towards her.
Filled with terror, she screamed.
The shadowy hulk came closer.
“’Scuse me miss”, said the tramp. “You dropped your purse”.

The warrior and the Dragon’s Lair

Muscles rippling, the warrior climbed. His goal - the dark opening near the mountain’s summit. The only route - a tortuous climb up the jagged cliff face.

When the climb seemed too much, he reminded himself of the rewards to be gained. A dragon’s lair, with the dragon’s treasure. Rich pickings indeed.

He carried little: he wished to be sure of as much gold as possible. Just water, his sword, and the amulet and spell with which to make the Dragon surrender its most priceless possession.

He crept into the cave’s entrance, whispered his spell and threw the amulet.

There was a thunderous report and the dragon moved aside to reveal a golden egg, newly cracked. A slime smeared head nudged the pieces of the shell away.

“Ma ma” said the baby dragonet as it waddled towards the warrior.