Monday, August 29, 2005

Noro Rucksack and pattern for simple scarf

Mega catch up to do here. I've been back from summer school for ages and *still* not done anything on my blog. Just before I left I finished a rucksack in Noro Kureyon. I had bought it to make a long cardigan, but just didn't like the handle enough to have in near my skin so it became a stunning rucksack

I have some more lurking somewhere - though heaven knows where. Another 8 balls of the blue that the front pocket it made of. You'd think with so little storage space I would have some idea of where I put things (sigh).

I bought another couple of balls of Kidsilk Haze while I was near Brighton at Shoreham knitting and needlecraft , one of these I used to design a lace scarf, and have just finished writing out the pattern. Which I am hoping to sell. It should be suitable for fairly novice knitters - You should only need to know how to knit and purl - and it even avoids casting on and off by being pointed at either end. I'm hoping to offer it in word, pdf and printed formats (extra for printed) - though if downloaded it will require the installation of a knitter's font. Haven't found a way round that yet.

Now I have a pohoto of it I can give it to Lizzie who has been desperate to get her sticky fingers on it since I started - Kidsilk Haze is *so* soft!

While I was near brighton for Summer school I went to the Dr. Who exhibition - which was good, but being inside none of my photos really came out good enough to share.

I'm currently working on a Pink kidsilk Haze stole with wings of the swan, a sweater from Knitter's a couple of years ago in Rowan summer tweed, which I'm rather afraid may be too heavy once knit.

I still have half a dozen thing sI must take a snap of and put up here.