Sunday, July 02, 2006

Growth spurts and (eeek) Exam

Lizzie is growing like a weed - she'd gone from UK age 10-11 clothes being a little long to Age 12 clothes being a reasonable length in a couple of months - and almost outgrown the size 5 shoes that were supposed to last through the summer...

At present she'd growing over 1 cm per month - some months over 2 cm...

Here is the long tall weed

She really is this long and thin - she's always been a skinny minx

Only two weeks now till my exam...eeeeeek!!!! my head still thinks I have over a month to much stuff to cram in its horrible..and I can't concentrate...And sharing the 'study' with Chris and Lizzie doesn't help iota - especially when I want to dictake glossary items to my PC for play back later...

Ahh well...I can always resit if I fail I guess.

I really really wanted to get a dsictinction in this course - but its just not going to happen - I guess some of the CFS damage just hasn't repaired itself..and I will have to settle for 2nds all round - if I can maintain those I may get an upper second degree one day...Though given out current finances I doubt I can do it fast enough to be of any use, As I really have to think about getting a full time job, which means very part time study, so no more than 30 points a year - which means at least 4 more year - or even more if I want a named degree and have to take at least one more summer school.

If I just opt for a plain BSc Hons its 4 years...(one course per year at quarter full time study rate)

If himself got the full time job away from the shop I could do more as I can study in the *very* quiet shop quite well...apart frm PC based stuff.